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The ULHPC Team is committed to excellence and support of the University research community through several side services:

  • ULHPC Gitlab, a comprehensive version control and collaboration (VC&C) solution to deliver better software faster.
  • Etherpad - a web-based collaborative real-time editor
  • Privatebin - secured textual data sharing


Gitlab is an open source software to collaborate on code, very similar to Github. You can manage git repositories with fine grained access controls that keep your code secure and perform code reviews and enhance collaboration with merge requests. Each project can also have an issue tracker and a wiki.

The GitLab service is available for UL HPC platform users with their ULHPC account and to their external collaborators that have a GitHub account.

Decommissioning of Gitlab service

  • Situation: the Gitlab service has been in production since 2015 and kept up-to-date until now. Nevertheless, the ULHPC Gitlab service is now replaced by a new instance administrated by the SIU Service. For more information, search the Knowledge Base or open a ticket on ServiceNow.

[Github] External accounts access are BLOCKED by default

  • By default, external (github) accounts are denied and blocked on the Gitlab service.
    • Access can be granted on-demand after careful review of the ULHPC team and attached to the project indicated by the UL[HPC] PI in charge of the external.
  • Note: externals cannot create groups nor projects.


Etherpad is a web-based collaborative real-time editor, allowing authors to simultaneously edit a text document, and see all of the participants' edits in real-time, with the ability to display each author's text in their own color.


PrivateBin is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data.
Data is encrypted and decrypted in the browser using 256bit AES in Galois Counter mode.

Last update: March 13, 2025