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Job Accounting and Billing

Usage Charging Policy ULHPC Resource Allocation Policy (PDF)

Billing rates

Trackable RESources (TRES) Billing Weights

The above policy is in practice implemented through the Slurm Trackable RESources (TRES) and remains an important factor for the Fairsharing score calculation.

As explained in the ULHPC Usage Charging Policy, we set TRES for CPU, GPU, and Memory usage according to weights defined as follows:

Weight Description
\alpha_{cpu} Normalized relative performance of CPU processor core (ref.: skylake 73.6 GFlops/core)
\alpha_{mem} Inverse of the average available memory size per core
\alpha_{GPU} Weight per GPU accelerator

Each partition has its own weights (combined into TRESBillingWeight) you can check with

# /!\ ADAPT <partition> accordingly
scontrol show partition <partition>

Last update: January 31, 2025