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ULHPC Open On Demand (OOD) Portal

Open OnDemand (OOD) is a Web portal compatible with Windows, Linux and MacOS. You should login with your ULHPC credential using the URL communicated to you by the UL HPC team.

OOD provides a convenient web access to the HPC resources and integrates

  • a file management system
  • a job management system (job composer, monitoring your submitted jobs, ...)
  • an interactive command-line shell access
  • interactive apps with graphical desktop environments

ULHPC OOD Portal limitations

The ULHPC OOD portal is NOT accessible outside the UniLu network. If you want to use it, you will need to setup a VPN to access the UniLu network Note: The portal is in _still under active development state: missing features and bugs can be reported to the ULHPC team via the support portal

Live tests and demo are proposed during the ULHPC Tutorial: Preliminaries / OOD.

Below are illustrations of OOD capabilities on the ULHPC facility.

File management

Job composer and Job List

Shell access

Interactive sessions

Graphical Desktop Environment

Last update: September 14, 2024