Arm Forge
Arm Forge is
the leading server and HPC development tool suite in research,
industry, and academia for C, C++, Fortran, and Python high performance code on Linux.
Arm Forge includes Arm DDT, the best debugger for time-saving high performance application
debugging, Arm MAP, the trusted performance profiler for invaluable optimization advice,
and Arm Performance Reports to help you analyze your HPC application runs.
Environmental models for Arm Forge in ULHPC¶
module purge
module load swenv/default-env/v1.2-20191021-production
module load toolchain/intel/2019a
module load tools/ArmForge/19.1
module load tools/ArmReports/19.1
Interactive Mode¶
To compile
$ icc -qopenmp example.c
# for debugging
$ ddt ./a .out
# for profiling
$ map ./a .out
# for analysis
$ perf-report ./a .out
Batch Mode¶
Shared memory programming model (OpenMP)¶
Example for the batch script:
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -J ArmForge
###SBATCH -A <project_name>
#SBATCH -c 16
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
#SBATCH -p batch
module purge
module load swenv/default-env/v1.2-20191021-production
module load toolchain/intel/2019a
module load tools/ArmForge/19.1
module load tools/ArmReports/19.1
# for debugging
$ ddt ./a .out
# for profiling
$ map ./a .out
# for analysis
$ perf-report ./a .out
Distributed memory programming model (MPI)¶
Example for the batch script:
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -J ArmForge
###SBATCH -A <project_name>
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node 28
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
#SBATCH -p batch
module purge
module load swenv/default-env/v1.2-20191021-production
module load toolchain/intel/2019a
module load tools/ArmForge/19.1
module load tools/ArmReports/19.1
# for debugging
$ ddt srun -n ${SLURM_NTASKS} ./a .out
# for profiling
$ map srun -n ${SLURM_NTASKS} ./a .out
# for analysis
$ perf-report srun -n ${SLURM_NTASKS} ./a .out

If you find some issues with the instructions above, please report it to us using support ticket.
Last update: February 28, 2025